OUR Lunch & Learns



Each year Venture Portland hosts trainings to build the capacity of business district leaders. Venture Portland trainings address all aspects of business district operations such as great promotions, membership campaigns, marketing and running a successful business association. RSVP via Google or email us and learn best practices with other business district participants and help your business district thrive.

Lunch & Learns are quick practical introductions to common topics that affect business districts. You’ll leave with new knowledge and easy-to-use samples to share with your district. RSVP today!


Lunch & Learns

January 22 – Business District Membership Campaigns

Strong membership is critical to a successful business association and requires year-round engagement with the businesses in your district. Attend our Business District Membership Campaigns Lunch & Learn and find out how to plan, execute, and track a successful membership campaign. We will also discuss how to adapt your member benefits to bring more businesses into your family, more revenue into your bank account, and more potential volunteers onto your board. You’ll become an expert in the art of getting businesses signed up and participating. Sign up today!



Venture Portland’s YouTube channel has multiple years of webinar recordings on topics ranging from business association governance, marketing, events, and city partners. Check out the most popular videos here or explore more on our channel.