Once considered the ‘Gateway to the Columbia Gorge’, the Gateway Business District stretches from NE 102nd to NE 162nd Avenues and covers nearly 25% of East Portland. Designated an Eco District in 2009, Gateway has committed to be one of the most sustainable business districts in the city, planting more than 2,500 trees in the district and helping customers recycle with unique garbage cans in the public right of way. District Manager, Sarah King describes her first impression of the district as “a fantastic blend of urban space and gorgeous natural areas as well. There are so many beautiful old trees. Some of the neighborhoods feel like they are nestled in a forest!” The heart and soul of the Gateway District in Sarah’s opinion is “the amazing people, so many folks have lived and worked in Gateway for many, many, years, you can feel their connection to the place.” Gateway is also known for its international grocery stores, which feature an incredible amount of cultural diversity. 

Working enthusiastically in the Gateway District, Sarah’s main goal is to shine a light on Gateway. “When I say ‘Gateway District’ I want Portlander’s to know what makes it unique,” Sarah says. “I hope to inspire small businesses to join the district and to draw positive energy to Gateway with fantastic community events.  The district is growing and I think it is ready for great things to happen. There are so many families who are rooted in the area and they want to see positive growth. Plus, there are amazing outdoor spaces like Discovery Park and the Gateway Green. They are really fabulous places to bike, play, skate, and enjoy time with friends and family!”

Sarah says her philosophy on life is “if you are the smartest person you know, you need smarter friends. You can replace the word ‘Smart’ with any positive attribute and that’s how I feel. I always want to surround myself with exceptional people. We all hold a mirror to each other.”  In her free time Sarah loves gardening and tries to grow her own food as much as possible. Sarah has a passion for singing and performs in several local bands throughout Portland.