If you have been quarantining indoors for the past several months you may not have noticed all the beautiful, new street art that has gone up in business districts recently. Thanks to groups like the Portland Street Art Alliance, boarded up windows and formerly blank walls now speak volumes as Portland’s commercial corridors have been transformed into colorful masterpieces from some of Portland’s most talented artists. Safely Venture Out to your favorite district and see what has popped up. Here’s a sample of what you will find:

If your district is interested in hosting some new public art, The Central Eastside Industrial Council hosted a discussion specifically aimed to businesses and building owners wanting to get art on their buildings. You can watch it here. Also, consider contacting The Talented X. They are an organization doing Portland-wide work around amplifying black experiences and connecting it to the overall identity of Portland. Currently they are putting portraits of local black neighbors and leaders in the windows of our local businesses in St. Johns.