Lents Business District is located in one of Portland’s most culturally mixed areas, accommodating a much higher-than-average percentage of foreign-born residents, with English being the primary language in little more than half its households. As District Manager, Amy Hamdan realized that the Lents Business District needed some love, and being all-in, Amy quickly fell in love with Lents!  When asked what Amy likes most about Lents she said, “It’s a mix of the old guard and new. We have the oldest hand painted sign shop in Portland across from a break-dancing dentist!” The businesses are the backbone, but the community partners are the heart and soul of Lents. As a historically underserved community, Lents takes care of its own. “We have a lot of non-profits on the street including PDX Saints Love which helps the houseless community and cleans up trash, Portland Homeless Family Solutions, Portland Youth Builders, Wattles Boys and Girls Club, and East Portland Collective,” Amy explained.

Amy wants to see the existing businesses thrive and new businesses take root; and wants everyone to know the Lents Grown Business Association is making things happen. “Lents has so much potential. As an Urban Renewal District, all the infrastructure is there, the transportation is there, the housing is there, walkability is there — now they just need businesses to fill the open spaces,” said Amy. Lents Grown is trying to attract as many businesses to the party as possible and would love to build a strong network of home-based businesses and makers to add to the association. On top of membership, Amy would love to see their signature Cultural Fair blossom into something everyone looks forward to celebrating and people come from all over Portland to attend. 

Amy has a great sense of humor. When asked what her philosophy on life was, she replied, “I should have married a plumber.”  Amy is a C.A.T.  L.O.V.E.R. and finds her happy place with a magazine, a margarita, and a beach chair. With Amy’s positive attitude and infectious smile, she truly is the perfect person to help make Lents Grown Business Association thrive!